Deliver consistent community growth and engagement every quarter

We provide hands-on coaching, training, and accountability...all tailored to your company...that helps you to deliver clear, consistent results every quarter with less stress and frustration.

Watch the video overview

 Watch the video overview of how it works

Our members include:


Adam Christian

CEO, Stateful
"Community building is one of the most challenging and important parts of reaching and engaging the right audience and I’ve never seen anything as structured, comprehensive, immersive or effective as the Community Leadership Core"

Miranda Carter

Head of Community, Dagger
“The Community Leadership Core has given me the coaching and tools to strengthen our company's community strategy and the confidence to deliver those plans since they are backed by strong industry expertise.”

Revital Barletz

Head of Community, Wing Cloud
"The Community Leadership Core has been immensely valuable to me, providing me with a plethora of great ideas and an excellent framework for engaging with my community right from the outset."

Taylor Dolezal

Head of Ecosystems, Cloud Native Computing Foundation
"Joining the Community Leadership Core has been a transformative experience. This accelerator has led to numerous innovative ideas and helped formulate how to build a roadmap around creating meaningful connections within my community."

A raft of benefits

We deliver a powerful collection of benefits that impact every element of your community or DevRel initiative.

These benefits include:

Drive More Consistent Growth & Engagement

Our approach to community building and DevRel has resulted in growth in members and engagement for over 150 companies.

Show Quarterly Results, Impact & ROI

Generate Quarterly Community Reports with clear outcomes, metrics, and ROI for your community and/or DevRel programs.

Be More Competitive with Faster Time-To-Results

Our 25 years of experience have produced hundreds of workflows and optimizations that have been industry-tested to get results faster.

1-on-1 Hands-On Coaching & Support

Get unlimited access to Jono Bacon and his industry-leading, battle-tested experience...focused on your specific goals and challenges.

More Efficient Planning, Resourcing, and Results

Our quarterly planning process makes setting goals, integrating resources, and cross-team collaboration easier and more predictable.

Access to a Pragmatic, Insightful Peer Group

Join a private community of members that share experience via LIVE events, deep dive sessions, and in our private community platform.

We Help Reduce Your Workload

Reduce your workload with our Powerup services where we create content, recommendations, copy and more for you.

Grow the Skills and Impact of Your Team

Harness the world's largest collection of community training and materials...tuned to your company and integrated with your goals.

Discounted Tools and Services

Get access to thousands of dollars of member-only discounts on popular community and devrel tools, services, and platforms

We have worked with:

Kevin Scott

CTO, Microsoft
"Jono Bacon provides timely insight into what makes us tick as humans."

Gia Scinto

Head Of Talent, YCombinator
"In my profession, building networks is all about nurturing relationships for the long term. Jono Bacon has authored the recipe how to do this."

Jim Zemlin

Executive Director, Linux Foundation
"Jono Bacon is the proven industry leader in building productive and engaged communities."

What is included

A complete package of 1-on-1 coaching, training, accountability, and services...tailored to your company...and focused on quarterly growth and engagement.

Four quarterly roadmaps tuned to you

The Community Leadership Core is focused on action.

At the beginning of each quarter we evaluate the current state of your community and work together to map out clear, pragmatic goals that will have the broadest impact. 

With these goals in place, we pull in training, content, templates, and services to help you generate results faster.

This ensures you are always making forward progress.

Direct 1-on-1 access to Jono

Get unlimited direct access to Jono Bacon and his 25+ years of experience of working with hundreds of companies.

Building better engagement? Launching new campaigns? How to approach a sensitive subject? Jono is here to help.

In many cases Jono responds with video in content and practical recommendations.

Regular group coaching sessions

The secret power of the Community Leadership Core is our hand-picked set of members.

Every two weeks we get together for LIVE group coaching sessions where we share work and get feedback...train each other...focus on collaborative problem-solving, and more.

These are not boring webinars filled with slides...they are super-interactive, engaging, discussion sessions where we all learn and grow together.

Access to world-class training

Get access the world's largest collection of high-quality, practical, easy-to-apply training content focused on building thriving, engaging communities and devrel.

This training content covers every conceivable element of building communities including building engagement, growing your community, content, events, gamification, conflict resolution, and much more.

All of the training is tied closely to your quarterly roadmap to ensure it is actionable.

Join a thriving private community

When you join the Community Leadership Core you get access to a private community on Slack with an incredible set of members.

This private community is an epicenter for how we stay together, build relationships, and grow.

We discuss topics and share perspectives...ask questions and get help...share interesting finds...ask for help...share our weekly wins...and much more.

Be a part of LIVE working sessions

In addition to our LIVE group huddles every two weeks...we also run regular Deep Dive sessions that are focused on a specific topic.

These are interactive, engaging, working sessions where we solve problems, share experiences, and more.

Topics have included ChatGPT, running Event Booths, Online Ads, SEO, and more.

A wealth of searchable content

Your team will also get access to an enormous video archive jam-packed with material that is not only searchable...but also broken into key topic areas.

Included in this archive are training sessions...Q&A sessions...full huddle sessions...and more.

This is an invaluable resource, kind of like our own personal YouTube channel, packed with content, that is essential when building and optimizing your community.

Nat Friedman

CEO, GitHub
"If you want to tap into the power that communities can bring to businesses and teams, there is no greater expert than Jono Bacon."

Sytse 'Sid' Sijbrandij

CEO, GitLab
"Jono is the worldwide expert in community interaction."

Uttam Tripathi

Head Of DevRel, Google
"Every business needs to follow Jono's work, not just to build communities, but also to build happier, more efficient teams."

Including Powerups

We don't just provide industry-leading coaching, training, and accountability in your community/devrel work...but we also roll our sleeves up and help to create practical, downloadable content, insights, and data you can use to speed up your community growth, engagement, and results.

These are called Powerups - a growing collection of services that are included in your membership.
FOR EXAMPLE: if you are creating content to attract community members, we have a Powerup where we can perform research to identify which keywords are most likely to attract your audience. We do the research for you and send you a detailed list of these keywords...which you can then weaveinto your content.

Powerups include:

Ideas for Blog, Video, and Audio Content

Target Keywords for SEO

Suggested Audience Pain Points

Website SEO Health Check Report

Online Event Running Schedules

Content Calendars (with Topics)

Event Landing Page Optimizations

Community Mission Statements

...and many more

More member experiences...

Nicole Huesman

Director of Marketing & Community Outreach, Linux Foundation
"The Community Leadership Core is chock full of concrete insights and steps towards action to grow and nurture communities."

Kris Ledel

Head of Developer Relations, Weavy
"The Community Leadership Core has been a transformative experience, equipping me with the skills needed to make a real difference in my community."

...oh, and just for good measure

We are also thrilled to offer our Community Leadership Core members exclusive offers and discounts for tools and services used in building communities/devrel.

This is not just a random collection of tools...but these are hand-picked selections of tools we would be happy to recommend to our members...available with significant discounts.

Over $22,000 of discounts for services including:

Jono's clients have included:

A plan for everyone

The Community Leadership Core delivers a powerful package of 1-on-1 coaching, training, and accountability...all designed to enable you to build quarterly growth and engagement...for the price of a part-time virtual assistant.
We have two investment plans available...

A small sample of member results:

(Click on an item to see it larger)
Ali Velshi
“Harnessing the collaborative power of communities is critical not just to the success of our businesses, but also for our democracy. Jono provides the clear blueprint for producing that success.”
Billy Cina
“‘Jono sets the record straight about what product-related communities are, and the impact you can expect.”
Jim Whitehurst
“Jono is an expert at integrating the potential of communities with businesses."


You are part of a family.

When you join the Community Leadership Core, you step into a small, tight-knit family of people...and we take care of our family members.

Where opportunities arise, we want to connect you with them. This can include areas such as:
☑️  Introductions    ☑️ Speaking Opportunities
☑️ Industry Connections    ☑️ Product Access   ☑️ Events

Jono Bacon

Jono has been building communities now for over 22 years. He has worked with over 200 businesses to help them build productive communities...from early-stage startups to Fortune 500 companies.

He is the author of five books, including the award-winning 'People Powered' (Harper Collins) and 'The Art Of Community' (O'Reilly) and he writes for Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and others.

He is the creator of the 'Community Experience Masterclass' and the 'Community Ignition Workshop' where he has trained hundreds of students in how to build communities. This includes people from a broad range of industries including tech, consumer, fitness, gaming, entertainment, medicine, non-profits, and more.

 Jono is also an active advisor and investor in numerous companies and funds (including Redpoint, Heavybit, Boldstart, AlienVault, HackerOne, and many others.)

Previously led community at:

Investor and advisor with:

Clients include:

Featured in:

Mårten Mickos

CEO, HackerOne
"Jono Bacon is one of the most accomplished experts in building communities."

Marie Dodson

VP, NASDAQ Brand Studio
"Jono has a true diversity of insight that spans community strategy, organizational design, leadership, developer workflow, infrastructure, and more."

Ali Velshi

Anchor, MSNBC
"Jono provides a clear blueprint for community success."

Hey, have some questions?

We have answers.

How much experience do we need?

The Community Leadership Core is open to all levels of community experience.

How big does my community need to be?

We welcome all sizes of communities under the condition that they are launched and available.

What is the time commitment?

It is entirely flexible. Some members spend a few hours of week with us, some show up every day. We can tune the commitment to your team and your resources.

Is my company too early to join?

Companies can join at any stage of growth. We have some companies who have just the founders as members and some companies with multiple staff. We tune each quarter to your specific needs.

How often are the LIVE sessions?

Our live coaching sessions take place on Zoom and vary from 60 to 90 minutes for each session.

When do the LIVE sessions happen?

The majority of LIVE sessions are in the mornings, on Tuesdays, Pacific USA time.

Are the LIVE sessions recorded?

Yes. All live sessions are recorded and uploaded into our video library called The Vault.

Do I have to join the LIVE sessions?

No. There is no requirement to join the sessions - it is entirely up to you.

How much hands-on coaching is included?

There are lots of opportunities for coaching including our twice-monthly coaching calls, additional coaching calls, Slack discussions, and more.

How much access to Jono do I get?

You have unlimited access to Jono via submitting your questions as well as discussions with him in our private Slack community.

Which payment methods do you accept?

You can pay either by bank transfer or via credit card. We accept all major credit cards.

When do you take payment?

You will pay at the beginning of your annual subscription to the Community Leadership Core.

Is my payment recurring?

No. While we would love you to renew in a year, we will discuss it and not automatically renew you.

What is your refund policy?

We want to ensure you are completely satisfied. See the box further up the page for our simple policy.

Are there any in-person sessions?

While most of our coaching, discussion, and work happens online, we are always looking for opportunities to get together in person (e.g. at conferences, events, and more.)

Which members of my company can join?

Your registration includes one community staff member and one executive/leadership member. If you want to add more team members, please get in touch.

How do I ask another question that isn't answered here?

Easy...just click the little blue icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the page to get in touch with us.
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